February 23, 2009

Wiis and disabilities

Over the past several weeks I have heard more and more from people about the Wii. Even though the system has been out for a couple of years, it seems like I am just now hearing about the kind of workout that it can provide for people. Or maybe, I'm just more receptive to it, and that's why I'm noticing all of these comments.

So, I'm going to be buying a Wii in the next couple of weeks. I've seen footage on youtube of people playing games like Wii boxing, and it looks like a pretty good upper-body workout. This is exactly what I need.

I love video games, and I need something to help get my heart rate up. This system will do just that. So, I'm really excited about getting it.

In fact, I've done some research online, and I've discovered that many rehab facilities and nursing homes have been using it for their patients/residents with limited mobility. I also found some great links about how it is a great source of exercise for people in wheelchairs--like me.

So, I'm excited, and I feel like I have discovered a great fitness tool for myself.

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