December 15, 2010

C'mon Friday!

This has been a great semester, overall. I have great students, and some of my classes are so good that I am convinced that I could probably go home, and then come back to find them still working and on task.

Every teacher always has one class each semester that is not quite up to the level of the others. There has to be a challenging class, otherwise things would be just too easy. I have a class like that, but this class isn't just challenging....they're abysmal. Now, I have had rougher classes when I taught middle school, but these guys take the cake at the high school level.

I am an incredibly patient person, but they are exasperating beyond belief! The class is loud, very immature, and content with mediocrity. They aren't motivated to work hard, because they just don't give a damn.

The class also has a mixture of students that is really challenging. I have multiple students with special needs, four students that come from broken homes and/or foster care, and an inordinate number of freshman. I believe that if these students were mixed into other classes, they would be able to behave. But this mixture has created a kind of "perfect storm."

But, alas, I only have to put up with them for 90 more minutes! Their final will be on Friday, and my class is only for a semester. So I am done with them after Friday!

Over the last few years, I have often thought about becoming an English teacher. However, I love being an elective teacher for many reasons. The fact that I only have to deal with rotten classes for one semester is reason number one!


  1. 2nd hours have been exasperating for me for whatever reason the past few years. There's something about what fate puts together that hour that's different from all the other classes.

  2. Fortunately, I have had second hour off for the past two years. But I do remember having some challenging second hour classes in the past.
