March 23, 2009

Voice From the Past

My parents received a call today from my childhood pediatrician. He is 82 now, and he is no longer practicing medicine. He actually called to tell my mother that I really didn't have Spina Bifida...I was just lazy. :) Just kidding, he wanted to get an update on some of his former patients...and their parents.

My parents had a very special relationship with Dr. T. As, I mentioned in a past blog entry about my sister, nobody wanted to treat her when she was born in 1970. Her back was never closed up, and she was sent to an institution because she was a "lost cause."

My parents didn't have an advocate, and they couldn't help my sister. Thankfully, someone ended up recommending Dr. T. to my parents, and my whole family is so grateful for this.

My mom recalls being in his office at the end of the day, after he had seen his last patient that day. My mom and my dad explained what had been going on with Karrie. After seeing the earnestness and sincerity in my parents, Dr. T. believed he could help my sister. He got in contact with a neurologist and convinced him to close her back.

The neurologist actually got her released from the mental institution and performed the surgery. As I have mentioned before, I don't think my sister would have been around for six years--had it not been for her surgery.

My family will forever be indebted to Dr. T. He is a special man, and he will always have a special place in our hearts.

It's funny, I'm 37 now, but Dr. T. asked my mom how "Kevie" was doing. She was happy to report that I was doing great. My parents are actually going to his house in a few days to visit him. He took care of my two siblings and I, and my parents are going to bring lots of pictures of us.

What a great man. :)

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