October 28, 2008

A little more about me

I saw this on someone elses site, and I thought that it would be a good thing to post here:

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People Right Now:
1. I'm so sorry that you are sick, and I pray that the doctors find out what is wrong.
2. I'm so happy that you read that book. You are a different person now.
3. I've forgiven you about your "house" comment, but I will never forget it.
4. You need to move to St. Louis.
5. Thanks for being there for me. You are soooo special in my life.
6. I wish I had more time with you...one on one. But I understand that you have different responsibilities than me.
7. It saddens me that we are not as close as we used to be.
8. I'm glad that we are relatives...and friends.
9. I'm jealous of you, and all of the money that you are making.
10. Even though we don't always see eye-to-eye, you have ALWAYS been there for me, and I know you always will.

Nine Things About Myself:
1. I was the 1977 poster boy for the March of Dimes.
2. I broke my right leg, and I didn't even know it.
3. I had 176 hours of UNDERGRADUATE credit when I graduated from college. I changed my major, after three years of college.
4. I can tell you who sang virtually any song from the 70's or 80's.
5. I am scared to death of snakes
6. I am very adventurous when it comes to food--and I will try anything once.
7. I am terrified to sing karaoke.
8. I am much happier now that I am teaching high school...rather than middle school.
9. I had to have three toes amputated from my left foot, back in 1990.

Eight Ways to Win My Heart:
1. Be kind and compassionate
2. Respect other people
3. Be intelligent
4. Be able to be silly, just for the hell of it
5. Love animals
6. Realize that my wheelchair is what I use to get around, and it doesn't define me.
7. Give...don't let me be the only giver in the relationship
8. Open up to me, and I will do the same.

Seven Things That Cross My Mind a Lot:
1. Money
2. My weight
3. My family
4. My friends
5. Loneliness
6. The future
7. My disability (sometimes)

Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep:
1. Set the alarm
2. Call for Allie--my cat
3. Get out of the chair, but keep it close by
4. Fold my pillow over
5. Get on my right side
6. Run through the next day, in my head

Five People Who Mean a Lot:
1. Mom
2. Dad
3. Erin
4. Dave
5. Elizabeth

Four Things I'm Wearing Right Now:
1. khaki pants
2. long-sleeved blue shirt
3. blue socks
4. brownish shoes...I need new ones.

Three Songs I Listen to a Lot: [at the moment]
1. One--Johnny Cash covering the U2 song
2. Eh Hee--Dave Matthews Band
3. Jessica--The Allman Brothers

Two Things I Want to Do Before I Die:
1. Be a dad...I would make a great father, in my opinion
2. Be in love...and get married

One Confession:
1. I know way too much about things that I should have no knowledge of. For example: professional wrestling, crappy tv shows, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Yea! I really liked this post too!
    I also thought your comment about your wheelchair not defining you is very powerful. Unfortunately a lot of people only look at us...never truly seeing who we are. They really miss out!
