August 29, 2008

The start of a journey...

I have always loved to write, and I've always thought about keeping a blog. Unfortunately, I have never gotten beyond the "thinking about it" stage. But, that has changed.

I can't promise that I will update this daily, but this blog will be an expression of my feelings and thoughts. I'm also going to use it gauge some progress on some lofty goals that I have for myself. If I put my goals OUT THERE for the world to see, I can make myself more accountable.

Well with all that being said, I'm just going to mention some superficial things tonight. I have a lot of "meatier" things that I want to mention, but that is for another time.

I just got back from a high school football game. I love football--in fact I love all sports. Being at the game tonight made me realize how lucky I am to be a teacher. Even though my school was the visiting team tonight, we still had a large crowd in attendance. I had such a great time cheering on our team--especially the students that I have had in my classroom. I have to say that I was very proud of our fans tonight. They were enthusiastic, fun, and most importantly well-behaved and respectful.

I also had a great time just having students just yell out, "Hey Mr. K!" as I was rolling by. That was so much fun. Our students were not allowed to get on the track to watch the game, but that's where I was. This is one of, the many, perks of being in a wheelchair. I had one of the closest seats in the house.

Anyway, my dad was with me, because he is on the Board of Education for the team that we were playing. He got to meet a couple of my coworkers & students. He even remarked about how the kids really seem to like me. I don't ever like to toot my own horn, but I'm a very lucky person in that respect. Teaching isn't easy sometimes, but there is no other thing that I would rather do in this world.

Along those lines, I am very excited about the Mizzou/Illini game tomorrow. My siblings and I have taken my dad to the game in the past, but we weren't able to get tickets this year. That's ok, it will still be fun to watch it. I hope Mizzou wins, and I hope they have a great season this year.

That's about it for today.


  1. A nice start Kevin. Welcome to the blogging world.

  2. I can appreciate what you are saying Kevin. When I was born (nine years after your sister) the doctor told my mom that my "life will not be worth living", but she had a nurse that was a god-sent and told my mom what she already knew, that this doctor was a quack. My life is great. I am sorry you had so little time with your sister. But postings like yours will get the point across that our lives are worth living if we are given the proper chance.

  3. by the way, the name of your blog is extremely clever, from where I sit.
